Sunday, September 25, 2016

Nigerian Girls Forced Into Prostitution In Spain!

21 young Nigerian women, turned into sex slaves were rescued today at Ibiza. The young girls aged 16-21 years were forced to work, make €1000 a day or get severely beaten with brooms and sticks and often worked for as long as 14 hours a day!!! 

The girls who were deceived by job offers before leaving Nigeria found out soon enough that these offers were false and ended up being subjected to voodoo rituals with threat of their family members being killed if they refused to stay and prostitute.

Amongst those arrested in the burst were two women, said to be the ringleaders in charge of recruiting the girls. One of the men who was arrested in Germany ‎is a member of the "Supreme Eiye Confraternity". 

It was also discovered that the money earned from prostituting these girls was sent to Nigeria via Madrid, where a bar was used as a front. The Police has so far blocked 20 bank accounts used for this purpose. 

edited from

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