Friday, September 9, 2016

9 Recommend Free Online Tools To Test Your Blog On Any Browser Or Device Screen Resolutions.

You should know that not all of your audience use the same kind of device or browser to view your website/blog. If your website/blog is not responsive , poor design be prepared to lose your audience.
They’re  over 3000+ screen available on mobile, tablet, laptops, desktop, TV  Don’t be surprise all your audience use this to access your website. Most web designers and bloggers ignore this you simply just pick any template or themes your love and upload it to your blog without checking it’s resolution on different browser’s.  To see if it’s attractive or poorly design.

Note: Each device has its own screen size, resolution and this makes your website or blog appear in various placement.
We’ve come up with a list of free tools that enables you to check your website or blog on any browser screen resolutions.  They support advance browser like Firefox and  Google Chrome.
Best Free Online Tools To Test Your Website On Different Resolutions
Mobile Test allows you to test your mobile sites and web applications in more than 50 smartphone and tablet emulators.
This are the supported resolution device’s available.
Apple iPhone 5 emulator
Samsung Galaxy Y
Samsung Galaxy S4
Apple iPad Mini
BlackBerry Q10
Nokia Lumia 920
Google Nexus 7
Apple iPhone 6
2: CyberCrab
CyberCrab Check your website at different screen resolutions and make sure your website is responsive. It will also allow you to increase or decrease your site layout to  make it look more professional. Here is 1920 X 1200 (My blog 24″ Desktop resolution screen size )
3:quirktools is an online tools for creative web designer that help display your blog or app in a Responsive screen testing on monitors, tablets, smart phones.
With whatismyscreenresolution you can check your blog screen resolution on any device such as iPad, tablet, iPhone , MacBook. This tools automatically detect the best screen resolution for your devices.
5: browserstack
is a responsive cross browser that’s compatible on any available browser instantly giving access to multiple desktop and Mobile screen resolution.
6: crossbrowsertesting
cross browser testing is a Testing tool that gives you access to over 750+ browsers including Android devices, iPhones, iPads, Windows. It offers free and paid features.
7: Browserling
Browserling anyone who own a website or blog should this tool out. Cause Browserling quickly let you cross-browse your websites with most popular browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Firefox.
8: browsershots
browsershots document screenshots of your website in different operating systems and browsers resolution screen size.
9: saucelabs
saucelabs is an automated testing cloud for web and mobile applications. It also help detect bugs on your website.

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