Thursday, September 8, 2016

5 Signs You Are Not In Love With Your Partner

relationship 5 Signs You Are Not In Love With Your Partner

Most people tend to confuse love at first sight, infatuation and mere lust for true love. This misconception of love is one of the major reasons why modern relationships crumble faster than they were even created.

L.O.V.E in it's real sense cannot be defined as it means different things to different people but when you love someone, you can feel it for real and tell. Here are five signs that shows you are not really in love with a person;
1. You keep convincing yourself you like your partner: It is natural for us to care for a person deeply and personally but this doesn’t mean we are in love with that person. In most cases, when a person confuses this for love and finds his/ her self in this situation, you will always have to convince yourself that you are really in love. This is a sign that you are not truely in love.

2. Formerly cute habits become annoying to you: When formerly cute habits and routine beime irritating and annoying this is a clear sign that all you had for your partner was mere infatuation and not true love. It is not the case that the characters and traits of your partner have changed, it’s just you that changed because you no longer love them anymore.

3. You’re embarrassed by your partner in public: When you start hating to appear with your partner in public due to the fact that you are constantly embarrassed by anything they do or say whenever you two step out then you should come to the reality that you don't love your partner. If you are truly in love with a person, you’d be more amused than ashamed of them.

4. You think only about yourself: It’s practically difficult for a selfish and narcissist people to love fall in love with a person outside themselves. Even though they might feel something, it’ll be hard for them to love completely because of their nature. A self-absorbed person finds it hard to fall in love. They just pretend to so if you discover you think only about yourself do your partner the good of letting then know.

5. You don't think of your partner often: If you’re really in love with a person you will surely think about them at least once each day. As the relationship grows older, it gets better because you’ll still think about them doesn’t matter how far apart you both are.

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