Thursday, August 4, 2016

How to Serve God by Prayers

There are so many ways in which one can key into and serve God effectively and productively. Today in this post, I will be talking on serving God by prayers.

God is in need of servers, men and women who can partner with Him in advancing His kingdom on earth. He has enough worshipers already.

God is in need of partners, servers are partners, they take the work of the kingdom to heart and they do it with all their hearts.

One very potent ways we can become server or partner with God is by engaging in kingdom promoting prayers on our own.

Hear what the scripture says in:

Psm. 102:13-14:
You will arise and have mercy on Zion; For the time to favor her, Yes, the set time, has come. For Your servants take pleasure in her stones, And show favor to her dust.

God will favor them because they first favored the cause of Zion which is the Church.

So when you engage in praying for the advancements of His Church, He advances your life.

Mat. 6:33:
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.. in prayers.

Therefore, below are some very potent prayer points for you to engage in serving God by prayers.

1. Father, in the name of Jesus, empower every member of this local Church with the grace and unction from above to enable us seek first your kingdom and your righteousness so that all other things shall be added unto us – Matt. 6:33.

2. Father, in the name of Jesus, endue every new member of winners’ chapel Otor-Owhe with the spirit of servanthood and commitment to the course of your kingdom – Psm. 102:1-14.

3. Father, by your spirit, reveal to every member of this local Church the steps to take so that we can enjoy “From glory to glory” agenda you have for us this year – Jer. 33:3.

4. Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, empower every minister in this Church with the spirit of grace and supplication to enable them discharges their duties to the growth of the church and to your glory – Dan. 11:32b.

5. Jehovah, by your spirit, let every member of this local church be empowered to become fishers of men and winners of souls this year 2016 and let the souls abide in this church - Jn. 15:16

6. Father, in the name of Jesus, and by the blood of Jesus Christ, we suffocate every evil spirits operating in and around this church unto death, let every of their activities come to an end now – Mat. 6:18.

7. Father, personally reveal yourself unto every individual member of this local church that they may know and understand your ways this year and onwards to enable them remain steadfast in serving you – Jer. 29:13

8. Father, we decree supernatural growth of this local church spiritually, numerically and financially – Isa. 60

9. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be an ever-increasing revelation in this church this year, leading to supernatural dimensions of church growth – Acts 6:7

10. Father, in the name of Jesus, fill every member of this Church with the Spirit of obedience that empower us to obey every instruction from you this year – Ezek. 36:26-27

11: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to endue Leadership at all levels in this Church with divine wisdom, thereby leading to the continuous growth and expansion of this church – Is. 33:6

12: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to destroy every blind-folding power of the enemy aimed at preventing multitudes from getting saved and established in this Church this year – 2Cor. 4:4

13: Father, in the name of Jesus, let this Church continue to experience supernatural growth after the order the Acts of the Apostles that will baffle human understanding this year– Acts 13:44.

14: Father, in the name of Jesus, let the ears of every unsaved soul across our harvest field continue to hear the compelling sound of the Holy Spirit all through this year and be drafted to this Church with speed – Is. 5:26

15: Holy Spirit, prick the heart of every unsaved person that comes into this Church next Sunday, let none returned a sinner, open their eyes to see the reality of eternity – Acts 2:37

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