Fertility is the ability to reproduce; men who are fertile are able to father children and fertile women are able to get pregnant and carry their baby to full term, with a live birth nine months after conception. This all happen naturally as a result of sexual intercourse. During the course of trying to get pregnant, several things can happen, that may delay your ability to get pregnant as quickly as you would desire.
It can also be said to be the natural capability to produce offspring.
There are various reasons why you may not be able to do so, and these range from physiological, Hormonal, genetic disease, infections from current or past STD’S. Anxiety and stress affect fertility in both men and women.
There is always a solution, and these could vary from Medical intervention, to Herbal, and even change in life style, to be able to get pregnant.
There are various reasons why you may not be able to do so, and these range from physiological, Hormonal, genetic disease, infections from current or past STD’S. Anxiety and stress affect fertility in both men and women.
There is always a solution, and these could vary from Medical intervention, to Herbal, and even change in life style, to be able to get pregnant.
We shall be looking at the importance and efficacy of Herbal supplements in boosting your fertility.
A herbal supplement which is a botanical product is a type of dietary supplement that contains one or more herbs. They are a type of dietary supplement that contains herbs plant or part of a plant used for its flavor, scent, or potential therapeutic properties. Includes flowers, leaves, bark, fruit, seeds, stems, and roots. Either singly or in mixtures.
Many herbs have a long history of use and of claimed health benefits. However, some herbs have caused health problems for user.
A herbal supplement which is a botanical product is a type of dietary supplement that contains one or more herbs. They are a type of dietary supplement that contains herbs plant or part of a plant used for its flavor, scent, or potential therapeutic properties. Includes flowers, leaves, bark, fruit, seeds, stems, and roots. Either singly or in mixtures.
Many herbs have a long history of use and of claimed health benefits. However, some herbs have caused health problems for user.
Caution must be exercised
• It is important to know that just because a herbal supplement is labeled “natural” does not mean it is safe or without any harmful effects. For example, the herbs kava and comfrey have been linked to serious liver damage.
• Herbal supplements can act in the same way as drugs. Therefore, they can cause medical problems if not used correctly or if taken in large amounts. In some cases, people have experienced negative effects even though they followed the instructions on a supplement label.
• Women who are pregnant or nursing should be especially cautious about using herbal supplements type of dietary supplement that contains herbs, either alone or in mixtures., since these products can act like drugs.
• It is important to consult your doctor , before using an herbal supplement, especially if you are taking any medications (whether prescription or over-the-counter). Some herbal supplements are known to interact with medications in ways that cause health problems. Even if your provider does not know about a particular supplement, he can access the latest medical guidance on its uses, risks, and interactions.
• If you use herbal supplements, it is best to do so under the guidance of a medical professional who has been properly trained in herbal medicine. This is especially important for herbs that are part of a whole medical system A complete system of theory and practice that has evolved over time in different cultures and apart from conventional medicine.
•The active ingredient(s) in many herbs and herbal supplements are not known. There may be dozens, even hundreds, of such compounds in an herbal supplement. Scientists are currently working to identify these ingredients and analyse products, using sophisticated technology. It is important that you Identify the active ingredients in herbs and understanding how herbs affect the body are important research areas.
• Published analyses of herbal supplements have found differences between what’s listed on the label and what’s in the bottle. This means that you may be taking less--or more--of the supplement than what the label indicates.
•Some herbal supplements have been found to be contaminated with metals, unlabeled prescription drugs, microorganisms, or other substances.
•There has been an increase in the number of Web sites that sell and promote herbal supplements on the Internet. Exercise extreme caution, when sourcing on the internet for information, which ones you actually need.
Generally, Herbs are generally safe to use. However, because some herbs should not be taken during pregnancy, it is always important to ask your doctor which herbs are safe to take.
• It is important to know that just because a herbal supplement is labeled “natural” does not mean it is safe or without any harmful effects. For example, the herbs kava and comfrey have been linked to serious liver damage.
• Herbal supplements can act in the same way as drugs. Therefore, they can cause medical problems if not used correctly or if taken in large amounts. In some cases, people have experienced negative effects even though they followed the instructions on a supplement label.
• Women who are pregnant or nursing should be especially cautious about using herbal supplements type of dietary supplement that contains herbs, either alone or in mixtures., since these products can act like drugs.
• It is important to consult your doctor , before using an herbal supplement, especially if you are taking any medications (whether prescription or over-the-counter). Some herbal supplements are known to interact with medications in ways that cause health problems. Even if your provider does not know about a particular supplement, he can access the latest medical guidance on its uses, risks, and interactions.
• If you use herbal supplements, it is best to do so under the guidance of a medical professional who has been properly trained in herbal medicine. This is especially important for herbs that are part of a whole medical system A complete system of theory and practice that has evolved over time in different cultures and apart from conventional medicine.
•The active ingredient(s) in many herbs and herbal supplements are not known. There may be dozens, even hundreds, of such compounds in an herbal supplement. Scientists are currently working to identify these ingredients and analyse products, using sophisticated technology. It is important that you Identify the active ingredients in herbs and understanding how herbs affect the body are important research areas.
• Published analyses of herbal supplements have found differences between what’s listed on the label and what’s in the bottle. This means that you may be taking less--or more--of the supplement than what the label indicates.
•Some herbal supplements have been found to be contaminated with metals, unlabeled prescription drugs, microorganisms, or other substances.
•There has been an increase in the number of Web sites that sell and promote herbal supplements on the Internet. Exercise extreme caution, when sourcing on the internet for information, which ones you actually need.
Generally, Herbs are generally safe to use. However, because some herbs should not be taken during pregnancy, it is always important to ask your doctor which herbs are safe to take.
Herbal supplements are useful for treating the following
• Poor ovulation. – It can be used to increase ovulation. One of the purposes of prescribing herbal medicines is to increase ovarian function. Therefore, individuals who are taking birth control pills should not take herbs. Because these medications are used to impede or lessen ovarian function they have the opposite desired effect of herbs. Herbal supplements can be used to boost most conditions in fertility challenges.
• Advanced maternal age
• Luteal-phase-defect
• Premature ovarian failure
• Male factor
• Unexplained symptoms.
Reports from clinical trials, has shown impressive results when mixing herbs with gonadotropins during intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles.
The herbs seem to enhance the effects of the gonadotropins, and they do not pose the risk of OHSS (ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome).
• Poor ovulation. – It can be used to increase ovulation. One of the purposes of prescribing herbal medicines is to increase ovarian function. Therefore, individuals who are taking birth control pills should not take herbs. Because these medications are used to impede or lessen ovarian function they have the opposite desired effect of herbs. Herbal supplements can be used to boost most conditions in fertility challenges.
• Advanced maternal age
• Luteal-phase-defect
• Premature ovarian failure
• Male factor
• Unexplained symptoms.
Reports from clinical trials, has shown impressive results when mixing herbs with gonadotropins during intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles.
The herbs seem to enhance the effects of the gonadotropins, and they do not pose the risk of OHSS (ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome).
Duration of treatment: The effects of herbal medicines are generally cumulative, and the clinical effects of treating the infertile couple are usually seen after 60-120 days. Herbs are also cycle-dependent. They require the entire menstrual cycle to be effective, and work best with multiple cycles. This means that if, for instance, a woman decides to have an in vitro Fertilization: IVF transfer within a week, she should avoid herbal treatment.
Availability: A number of herbal supplements are available that are helpful in supporting fertility for both women and men. For women, chasteberry, red clover and other herbs traditionally used to help restore hormonal balance are combined with the same vitamins and minerals found in a prenatal vitamin. The combination offers a comprehensive fertility supplement for women. For men, clinically proven supplements are available to help improve sperm parameters such as count, motility, and morphology. Supplements may be found at most health food and vitamin shops. Fertility supplements for both men and women can be purchased online, shops and good pharmacies.
Availability: A number of herbal supplements are available that are helpful in supporting fertility for both women and men. For women, chasteberry, red clover and other herbs traditionally used to help restore hormonal balance are combined with the same vitamins and minerals found in a prenatal vitamin. The combination offers a comprehensive fertility supplement for women. For men, clinically proven supplements are available to help improve sperm parameters such as count, motility, and morphology. Supplements may be found at most health food and vitamin shops. Fertility supplements for both men and women can be purchased online, shops and good pharmacies.
• Chaste tree berry is thought to stimulate luteinising hormone (LH) production and to help balance progesterone and estrogen levels in order to regulate the menstrual cycle.
• Red clover is also thought to help balance hormone function. Plus, it contains isoflavones (estrogen-like compounds), which may promote estrogen production and enhance fertility.
• Siberian ginseng is believed to regulate hormones and support uterine function.
• Lady’s mantle is thought to help regulate the menstrual cycle and tone the cervix.
• Black cohosh is touted as improving hormone function due to its phytoestrogens (plant estrogens).
• Red clover is also thought to help balance hormone function. Plus, it contains isoflavones (estrogen-like compounds), which may promote estrogen production and enhance fertility.
• Siberian ginseng is believed to regulate hormones and support uterine function.
• Lady’s mantle is thought to help regulate the menstrual cycle and tone the cervix.
• Black cohosh is touted as improving hormone function due to its phytoestrogens (plant estrogens).
Omega 3 fatty acids: This nutritional supplement is quickly becoming widely accepted as good for overall health, and some research shows that it may even be helpful in regulating the menstrual cycle and boosting fertility. What’s more, omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to enhance mood, which may improve fertility (stress is a known fertility buster). Once you do get pregnant, omega-3 fatty acids may help decrease your chances of miscarriage and preterm labor, and help promote the development of your baby’s brain, eyes, and nervous system.
There’s no established optimal dose for omega-3 fatty acids — especially in the preconception period, which means it may be tricky to figure out how much you really need to take. Many prenatal vitamins contain omega-3 fatty acids, so you could already be getting a good amount. Seek medical advice to see if you should take extra omega-3s as fertility supplements or if you should simply add more omega-3-rich foods to your diet. The foods below are especially baby-making friendly:
Omega-3-rich foods:
• Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and herring
• Shrimp
• Scallops
• Flaxseed
• Walnuts
• Tofu
• Omega-3 enriched eggs, yogurt, milk, and pasta.
• Many women avoid taking medicines, because they fear the side effects they will have.
• Herbs are a safer alternative available on the market: natural products. It is well known that the natural fertility drugs are much less harmful than those that are synthetic. You must ask, though, your healthcare provider, about the effectiveness of these natural drugs and how they can complement your medication. There are many herbal fertility treatment options available, and all you have to do is make a plan of treatment together with your doctor and stick to it.
• Black Cohosh : is a plant of the buttercup family that stimulates the ovaries and serves as an antispasmodic in relieving menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. It is effective when your infertility is caused by hormonal imbalance.
• Evening Primrose Oil: has an important influence on fertility, as it improves the quality of the cervical fluid, and, consequently, the quality of the cervical mucous. This will become a more hospitable environment for the sperm, which will stay alive for up to five days, thereby increasing the chances of getting pregnant.
• Chaste Berry: called the female herb, helps in stimulating luteinising hormone (LH) and regulating the menstrual cycle by balancing the hormonal functions. Luteinising hormone is what the necessary hormone during ovulation. Chaste Berry also acts upon the pituitary gland, increasing the production of progesterone and reducing the level of prolactin. It especially addresses women with (PCOS) who suffer from hormonal imbalance.
• Red Raspberry Leaf, strengthen the uterine linning and support the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle, increasing the chances of implantation. It contains vitamins and minerals, folic acid, copper, magnesium and iron that have the role to enhance the fertility.
• False Unicorn is a root which helps stimulate the ovaries and the increasing of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is the hormone encouraging progesterone production. It is also believed to have positive results on male impotence.
• Red clover is based on isoflavones and phystoestrogens. These are estrogen-like compounds that help in promoting hormonal imbalances.
• Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and herring
• Shrimp
• Scallops
• Flaxseed
• Walnuts
• Tofu
• Omega-3 enriched eggs, yogurt, milk, and pasta.
• Many women avoid taking medicines, because they fear the side effects they will have.
• Herbs are a safer alternative available on the market: natural products. It is well known that the natural fertility drugs are much less harmful than those that are synthetic. You must ask, though, your healthcare provider, about the effectiveness of these natural drugs and how they can complement your medication. There are many herbal fertility treatment options available, and all you have to do is make a plan of treatment together with your doctor and stick to it.
• Black Cohosh : is a plant of the buttercup family that stimulates the ovaries and serves as an antispasmodic in relieving menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. It is effective when your infertility is caused by hormonal imbalance.
• Evening Primrose Oil: has an important influence on fertility, as it improves the quality of the cervical fluid, and, consequently, the quality of the cervical mucous. This will become a more hospitable environment for the sperm, which will stay alive for up to five days, thereby increasing the chances of getting pregnant.
• Chaste Berry: called the female herb, helps in stimulating luteinising hormone (LH) and regulating the menstrual cycle by balancing the hormonal functions. Luteinising hormone is what the necessary hormone during ovulation. Chaste Berry also acts upon the pituitary gland, increasing the production of progesterone and reducing the level of prolactin. It especially addresses women with (PCOS) who suffer from hormonal imbalance.
• Red Raspberry Leaf, strengthen the uterine linning and support the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle, increasing the chances of implantation. It contains vitamins and minerals, folic acid, copper, magnesium and iron that have the role to enhance the fertility.
• False Unicorn is a root which helps stimulate the ovaries and the increasing of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is the hormone encouraging progesterone production. It is also believed to have positive results on male impotence.
• Red clover is based on isoflavones and phystoestrogens. These are estrogen-like compounds that help in promoting hormonal imbalances.
Herbal medicine products or dietary supplements are made of plants or plant parts and come in various forms: tablets, powders, extracts, tinctures. They may have side effects or may interact with other drugs. This means that it is compulsory to use natural fertility drugs only after consulting your doctor and always in the right dosage.
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